My program does not work after adding helpler

I have just gotten to Chapter Four of Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails Tutorial, and I can’t seem to get the program to work after adding a helper to the program. Here is the code from the files.


require ‘test_helper’

class StaticPagesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

test “should get home” do

get :home

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"


test “should get help” do

get :help

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Help | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"


test “should get about” do

get :about

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"


test “should get contact” do

get :contact

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Contact | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"





<%= full_title(yield(:title)) %>

<%= stylesheet_link_tag ‘application’, media: ‘all’,

‘data-turbolinks-track’ => true %>

<%= javascript_include_tag ‘application’, ‘data-turbolinks-track’ => true %>

<%= csrf_meta_tags %>

<%= yield %>


Rails.application.routes.draw do

root ‘static_pages#home’

get ‘static_pages/help’

get ‘static_pages/about’

get ‘static_pages/contact’


How do I get past this problem? Is there a way to fix this?

You have not shown us the error. Copy/paste the output showing the error from the server window, including the stack trace and from the start of the failing request. First though look carefully at that and try and work out what the error means. I know it is often difficult for newcomers but have a go.


BTW, the error is listed here:

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_about [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:19]:

<About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was

<About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App.>.

Expected 0 to be >= 1.

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_contact [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:25]:

<Contact | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was

<Contact | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App.>.

Expected 0 to be >= 1.

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_help [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:13]:

<Help | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was

<Help | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App.>.

Expected 0 to be >= 1.

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_home [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:7]:

expected but was

<Home | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App.>.

Expected 0 to be >= 1.


The test producing that is   test "should get about" do     get :about     assert_response :success     assert_select "title", "About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"   end

What do you think that error is trying to tell you?


It tells the program to perform the GET function for the HTML page, keep running the page when success is returned upon matching, and then select the page desired by the programmer and display it on the screen. I have also worked on the program, and have narrowed it down to two failure errors. They are listed here:

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_about [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:19]:

<About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was


Expected 0 to be >= 1.

  1. Failure:

StaticPagesControllerTest#test_should_get_help [C:/Sites/sample_app/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:13]:

<Help | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was


Expected 0 to be >= 1.


What should I do next? How do I fix this?

Also, here is the new test file:

class StaticPagesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

test “should get home” do

get :home

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App."


test “should get help” do

get :help

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Help | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App."


test “should get about” do

get :about

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App."


test “should get contact” do

get :contact

assert_response :success

assert_select "title", "Contact | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App."




As I have asked previously, what do you think is meant by <About | Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App> expected but was <Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App.>.
