Multiple models

I have the below models


name email: login: password salt

CategoryTable: name [model] has_many :books

AutherTable: Name [model] has_many :books

PublisherTable: name [model] has_many :books

StorageTable: name [model] has_many :books

name Book_Table: name isbn description category_id publisher_id auther_id storage_id [model] belongs_to :storage belongs_to :auther belongs_to :publisher belongs_to category

My problem is on however to have multiple models in one view. I was able to use form_tag togather data form all models except book. How could I get this resolved is my concern? I know that this is a new bie's kind of question, but I crave for your understand.


My problem is on however to have multiple models in one view. I was able to use form_tag togather data form all models except book. How could I get this resolved is my concern? I know that this is a new bie's kind of question, but I crave for your understand.

You'll want to look at fields_for. Watch the "Complex Forms" trilogy of Railscasts from a couple years ago.


Have it already but I am still not able to get my head around it.

exactly what are you missing. What is your problem. A form problem is a very broad formulation...

regards svend

This is what I am missing, how to include the ids of the models that “has_many” of book model while saving. How to make four ids along with the book data.

Regards, Emeka

read and do this introductions. As you can see, when you create a book, you collect the ids form the other models, and then save them in the book model.

 @author =[:author_name])
@publisher = Publisher.check_this(params[:publisher_name])
@category = Category.check_this(params[:category_name])
@storage = Storage.check_this(params[:storage_name])


That’s my code for other models and it worked. How do I add @author … into book class as arguments.


if @author =[:author_

name]) @publisher = Publisher.check_this(params[:publisher_name]) @category = Category.check_this(params[:category_name])

@storage = Storage.check_this(params[:storage_name])


That’s my code for other models and it worked. How do I add @author … into book class as arguments.
