multiple language application

hi, I've been asked to design a multiple language application for an architectural firm and I need advice with which is the best approach to it with Rails. Basically all the tables have some common fields that doesn't need to be translated and some others that need translation. At first it seems the application will be quite changing since not all the targets are clearly defined so, ease of change will make a good point.

best regards, indi

Just right now I’m solving definitely this kind of task.

I choose an approach where each content having to be translated, is String or Text.

Then I created two STI+polymorphic tables (models): MetaText and MetaString. Each of them has columns “value” and “locale” to specify language.

class MetaString < ActiveRecord::Base

attr_accessible :value, :locale

belongs_to :resource, :polymorphic => true


class MetaText < ActiveRecord::Base

attr_accessible :value, :locale

belongs_to :resource, :polymorphic => true


For each model I’ve created STI models for whatever string/text content to be translated. STI is needed to specify model behavior, such as validation or etc…


class ArticleTitle < MetaString

validates_lenght_of :value, :maximum => 200


class ArticleContent < MetaText

validates_lenght_of :value, :minimum => 200


class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :titles, :class_name => “ArticleTitle”, :as => :resource, :dependent => :delete_all

has_many :contents, :class_name => “ArticleTitle”, :as => :resource, :dependent => :delete_all

def title(locale=nil)

items = titles.to_a

items.find {|i| i.locale == locale || I18n.locale} || items.first


def content(locale=nil)

items = contents.to_a

items.find {|i| i.locale == locale || I18n.locale} || items.first



I18n.locale - application-level locale accessor.

I choose an approach (subdomain = locale):