multi-blog platform

To build a multi blog platform I would want to use multi-tenancy?

That depends. Do you want your multiple blogs to each have their own set of users, with none of them able to see any besides their "own" blogs? That's the real problem that multi-tenancy solves. It's for Software As A Service-size problems, where you have thousands of users and thousands of blogs, and everyone thinks it their own server.


I was looking for a blog gem mountable at the model level but I still haven’t found one that works so I was thinking i can use something else in a multi-tenant setup Of all the blog gems the only one I found that mounts on the model was blogit but it needs updating I couldn’t bundle it I don’t need multi-tenancy to offer users subdomains, I can do that with regular rails routing, just to solve this problem

Makes me realize there’s a question whose content and users they are anyway in either case