mongrel_rails crashing on new RoR 3.0.3 app - Huh?

Just upgraded my laptop to RoR 3.0.3. (Ruby 1.9.2, Gems 1.3.7, Windows box.)

It took a couple of attempts, but I got past the missing sqlite.dll error (which shouldn't be an issue IMO for new installs, but that's another post.)

rails server fires up w/o problem. but >>mongrel_rails start completely blows up

with a segmentation fault.

I'm a RoR fanboy, but relatively inexperienced. WTF? The same command worked fine on RoR 2.3.5 apps. This shouldn't be so damned difficult.

Brian P. wrote in post #969468:

Just upgraded my laptop to RoR 3.0.3. (Ruby 1.9.2, Gems 1.3.7, Windows box.)

It took a couple of attempts, but I got past the missing sqlite.dll error (which shouldn't be an issue IMO for new installs, but that's another post.)

rails server fires up w/o problem. but >>mongrel_rails start completely blows


with a segmentation fault.

I'm a RoR fanboy, but relatively inexperienced. WTF? The same command worked fine on RoR 2.3.5 apps. This shouldn't be so damned difficult.

Why are you using mongrel_rails ? rails server should be all you need for development; for production, use Passenger.

I understand older versions of Mongrel aren't compatible with Rails 3, so that's probably the cause of your problem.


Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Brian P. wrote in post #969468:

Just upgraded my laptop to RoR 3.0.3. (Ruby 1.9.2, Gems 1.3.7, Windows
It took a couple of attempts, but I got past the missing sqlite.dll
error (which shouldn't be an issue IMO for new installs, but that's
another post.)
rails server fires up w/o problem. but >>mongrel_rails start completely blows

with a segmentation fault.
I'm a RoR fanboy, but relatively inexperienced. WTF? The same command
worked fine on RoR 2.3.5 apps. This shouldn't be so damned difficult.

Why are you using mongrel_rails ? rails server should be all you need for development; for production, use Passenger.
I understand older versions of Mongrel aren't compatible with Rails 3, so that's probably the cause of your problem.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
Sent from my iPhone

Passenger does not work on Windows. A good reason to change to Linux if possible.