modules and models

Hi, I am trying to namespace my models in a Rails app. I put this in routes

  map.namespace(:property) do |property|     property.root :controller => :venues, :active_scaffold => true     property.resources :location_groups, :active_scaffold => true   end

and this in app/controllers/property/venues_controller

module Property   class VenuesController < ApplicationController     active_scaffold Venue   end end

this in app/modesl/property/venue

module Property   class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base     has_many :location_groups   end end

this for app/controllers/property/location_groups_controller

module Property   class LocationGroupsController < ApplicationController     active_scaffold LocationGroup   end end

and this for app/modesl/property/location_group

module Property   class LocationGroup < ActiveRecord::Base     belongs_to :venue   end end

now if I try to load http://localhost:3000/property/location_groups/new

I get ActionView::TemplateError (Could not find Property::Property::VenuesController or Property::Property::VenueController)

I am confused as to how to do this correctly... any ideas? Am I correct to do this? I don't want all my models in one folder... I want to "package" them.