Model Versioning Plugin?

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to version my model, so I can go back through time, as well as offer an audit trail.

I have attempted to use acts_as_versioned ( rails/pages/ActsAsVersioned), but the issue with this is the associated models, which it does not support.

Here is an example of what my model looks like:

company has_many phone_numbers company has_many contacts company has_one status .... and so on

I need to be able to have the plugin version each associated model automatically.

Does anyone know of a solution for this?

Thanks for your help!

Lundie wrote:

Hi Everyone,

company has_many phone_numbers company has_many contacts company has_one status .... and so on

I need to be able to have the plugin version each associated model automatically.

Does anyone know of a solution for this?

I haven't heard of anything like that.

But I can't imagine you can adapt ActsAsVersioned to your needs, because it works with a different table, so associations are going to break.

Perhaps a more bespoke solution;

add_column :companies, :versioned_at, :datetime, :default => nil add_column :companies, :version_of, :integer, :default => nil

Now when we "version" it, we go.

class Company

  has_many :versions, :class_name => "Company", :foreign_key => "version_id", :order => "companies.versioned_at DESC"   belongs_to :version_of, :class_name => "Company"

  def version!     transaction do       versioned = =>, :version_of =>       # go through each association and clone the attribs, pointing at versioned

      self.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number|       end       ...!     end   end end

something like that maybe? (totally untested code)

Matthew Rudy Jacobs

Matthew Rudy Jacobs wrote:

add_column :companies, :versioned_at, :datetime, :default => nil add_column :companies, :version_of, :integer, :default => nil

and, if you did this, you'd have to remember only to look at "live versions"

class Company   named_scope :live, :conditions => {:version_of => nil} end

and then always refer to;[:id])