You could use has and belongs to many or has many through. Either way
you will need another table (the join table for the relationship
between tags and items), the existing tables are fine as is.
You might find Active Record Associations — Ruby on Rails Guides
You can shorten this part up by using Tag.find_or_create_by_name, one
of the dynamic finder methods.
And I'd add a generic warning to NEVER use #{} interpolation directly
in anything you're feeding to an AR conditions parameter, unless you
want to relearn the lesson of little Bobby Tables...
The final code will look something like:
  def create
    # find item, put in @item
    @item.tags = params[:tags].split(' ').map do |tag|
    # do whatever else
Alternatively, you could encapsulate this behavior in the Item model,
using a virtual tags_attr or the like to do the parsing. I'd recommend
that you take a look at some of the approaches taken by
acts_as_taggable and it's descendants.