Missing template classified/update.erb in view path app/view

Iam trying to build a classified site, I've created the code to add,edit,delete posts. I am facing trouble with the edit part. When I click the edit link for a post it shows the form with all the textfields,after entering in all the fields and clicking the save changes button, Iam getting the error: "Missing template classified/update.erb in view path app/view"

Update function in the controller looks like:

def update   @classifed = Classified.find(params[:id])     if @classified.update_attributes(params[:classified])          redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @classified     else         render :action => 'edit'     end end

show.rhtml looks like

<h1>Editing Classified: <%= :title -%></h1> <% form_for :classified, :url => {:action => 'update'} do |form| %> <p><label for="classified_title">Title</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :title %></p> <p><label for="classified_price">price</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :price %></p> <p><label for ="classified_location">Location</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :location %></p> <p><label for ="classified_description">Description</label><br/> <%= form.text_area :description %></p> <p><label for ="classified_email">Email</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :email %></p>

<%= submit_tag "save changes" %> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Back', {:action => 'list'} %>

Help will be appreciated. Thanks

Typically your show action does not allow for user input. The edit action does. In any case, is there a classified/edit.erb and if you are trying to render it, then it implies that the update failed. Do you know why?

your show action looks like the edit action should look, and then you are rendering edit if something goes wrong , that is not the way

def update @classifed = Classified.find(params[:id]) if @classified.update_attributes(params[:classified]) redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @classified else render :action => ‘edit’ ========> should be render :action=> “show” end end

but you have a mess there , thats the main problem, you are not been restful

sorry guys,

I made a typo error while posting it here. The show.rhtml file is actually named edit.rhtml, I do have another file that is show.rhtml which renders the html file. so what I really have is

Update function in the controller looks like:

def update   @classifed = Classified.find(params[:id])     if @classified.update_attributes(params[:classified])          redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @classified     else         render :action => 'edit'     end end

edit.rhtml looks like

<h1>Editing Classified: <%= :title -%></h1> <% form_for :classified, :url => {:action => 'update'} do |form| %> <p><label for="classified_title">Title</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :title %></p> <p><label for="classified_price">price</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :price %></p> <p><label for ="classified_location">Location</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :location %></p> <p><label for ="classified_description">Description</label><br/> <%= form.text_area :description %></p> <p><label for ="classified_email">Email</label><br/> <%= form.text_field :email %></p>

<%= submit_tag "save changes" %> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Back', {:action => 'list'} %>

Well, I'll try replacing :action => 'edit' with :action => 'show'. Iam not exactly sure what restful really means. My bad Iam sill a nOOb. Thanks anyways.

radhames brito wrote:

what i said was based on the fact that i thought your edit action was named show so if it was a typo ignore my comment.

try making this changes and post your routes if it still does not work, and what version of rails are you using?

the edit action should be

def edit @classifed = Classified.find(params[:id]) end

def update

@classifed = Classified.find(params[:id])

if @classified.update_attributes(params[:classified])
 flash[:notice] = "updated"

     redirect_to @classified


    render :action => 'edit'



Editing Classified: <%= :title -%>

<% form_for @classified do |form| %> <%=form.error_messages%>

<%=form.label :title%>

<%= form.text_field :title %>

<%=form.label :price%>

<%= form.text_field :price %>

<%=form.label :location%>

<%= form.text_field :location %>

<%=form.label :description%>

<%= form.text_area :description %>

<%=form.label :email%>

<%= form.text_field :email %>

<%= submit_tag “save changes” %>

<% end %>

<%= link_to ‘Back’, {:action => ‘list’} %>

in your routes.rb file it should say

resources classifies, or whatever the plural should be

hey guys...long time

I got too busy with my work...my apologies..

I tried the above code I still get errors:

compile error /Users/alihan/classifieds/app/views/classified/edit.rhtml:5: syntax error, unexpected '>' /Users/alihan/classifieds/app/views/classified/edit.rhtml:10: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')' <%= form.text_field :price ).to_s); @output_buffer.concat "\n"          ^ /Users/alihan/classifieds/app/views/classified/edit.rhtml:13: syntax error, unexpected '>' /Users/alihan/classifieds/app/views/classified/edit.rhtml:18: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')' <%= form.text_field :email ).to_s); @output_buffer.concat "\n"          ^

Extracted source (around line #5):

2: <% form_for @classified do |form| %> 3: <%=form.error_messages%> 4: <p> 5: <%= form.label :title<br/> 6: <%= form.text_field :title %> 7: </p> 8: <p>

Trace of template inclusion: app/views/classified/edit.rhtml

RAILS_ROOT: /Users/alihan/classifieds


radhames brito wrote:

Sorry my bad.....please discard the above post, the error was with the syntax, but now the error I have now is:

Showing app/views/classified/edit.rhtml where line #2 raised:

Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id

1: <h1>Editing Classified: <%= :title -%></h1> 2: <% form_for @classified do |form| %> 3: <%=form.error_messages%> 4: <p> 5: <%= form.label :title%><br/>

k fixed that.... now the error after I hit submit button after editing:

NameError in ClassifiedsController#update

uninitialized constant ClassifiedsController

Help would be appreciated.
