I notice that when I generate a migration alone using the migration generator, the name of the resulting file is something like "db/ migrate/001_members.rb" and that file contains a class named "Members". However, if instead I generate a model and let that process create the migration for me, the name of the resulting file is something like "db/migrate/001_create_members.rb" and that file contains a class named "CreateMembers". Information that I've been able to find on the web (e.g., http://www.railsforum.com/viewtopic.php?id=1011) seems to imply (although it doesn't specifically say) that the actual base names of the file doesn't really matter, it's only the pre- appended number that's important. I would think that the base name of the file would have to identify the table; otherwise, how would rake know what table is being modified in subsequent migrations? Anyway, I know that I must be missing something. Can someone please clarify the confusion for me?
Thanks for any input.
... doug