Greeting I'm passing my app to a production environment. All run okey but when I try to create my start up migration this error appears:
rake aborted! uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
And nothing happends. Anyone knows how to solve it?
Greeting I'm passing my app to a production environment. All run okey but when I try to create my start up migration this error appears:
rake aborted! uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
And nothing happends. Anyone knows how to solve it?
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production ?? just guessing fast.
Juan pablo Gómez wrote:
MMMmm, nothing change the problem persists
I advice you to install SVN and Capistrano, because Capistrano will be helpful and enjoyable to do migration in your production server. I never have problem in migration using capistrano. You do nothing, if you run migration in your production server for your /home/username/app/project_name.
Thank you, I will request capistrano to my hosting provider.
Adittional information about my migration
#File 001_start_up.rb class StartUp < ActiveRecord::Migration
Anyone knows whats going on?
I got Error!!!
rake aborted! undefined method `last' for {}:Hash
Is that you complete migration ?
Juan pablo Gómez wrote:
Juan, how did you install Rails?
I've solved the problem.
In /lib/tasks directory I had aditionals rakes, and in these rake I include the sentence
require 'active_record'