MiddleMan Class missing with backgroundrb 1.1 version??

Hi All,

This might seems to be a silly post for all the pros out there but can anyone please try to answer my question?

I have installed backgroundrb 1.1 version on my RH Linux system. And now I don't see any MiddleMan class in any of the backgroundrb.rb files under $RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/                                         lib/ and                                         script/

I have totally followed the steps from : http://gnufied.org/2008/05/21/bleeding-edge-version-of-backgroundrb-for-better-memory-usage/

and installed the chronic packets as mentioned @ http://backgroundrb.gnufied.org/index.html

When I run the tasks from my ROR framework, I get the following error:     undefined method `' for #

This error is caused from the controller file where I am creating a new MiddleMan thread.

if MiddleMan[server] == nil                    puts "creating thread #{server} at #{Time.now}" end