Memcached Server - Memory Consumption

Davis Princeton wrote the following on 17.10.2006 20:20 :

Ronald Ossen wrote:   

I was just testing the memcache server on a Windows box and had set it up as a Windows Service and to my surprise (or my shock really) it was using 47+ meg of ram with no data even loaded in it yet. Has anyone else used the Windows port of memcached for their Rails projects and if so how much ram was it using?

Does memcached use less memory on Mac OS X or Linux than Windows?      I've always wondered why a person needed to even use the memcache when you can use Ruby's GServer, Rinda, Sockets, etc. to craft your own "state server".

I don't think they target the same needs. Memcached is designed to address the needs for a fault-tolerant cache scalable accross multiple systems, nothing more nothing less.

You should only store volatile or easy to retrieve data in it. Memcached use less memory than even a bare-bone ruby interpreter and stores data more efficiently than ruby itself. Maybe the Windows port is staticaly compiled with a bunch of library to make it easier to port from Unix.

At startup time memcached takes 4492kB on my Linux system. I have no idea for OSX. For a point of reference irb session starts as 5576 kB (without any module loaded)...
