memcache-client 1.3.0 Released

memcache-client version 1.3.0 has been released!

memcache-client is a pure-ruby client to Danga's memcached.


= 1.3.0

* Apply patch #6507, add stats command. Submitted by Tyler Kovacs. * Apply patch #6509, parallel implementation of #get_multi. Submitted    by Tyler Kovacs. * Validate keys. Disallow spaces in keys or keys that are too long. * Perform more validation of server responses. MemCache now reports    errors if the socket was not in an expected state. (Please file    bugs if you find some.) * Add #incr and #decr. * Add raw argument to #set and #get to retrieve #incr and #decr    values. * Also put on MemCacheError when using Cache::get with block. * memcache.rb no longer sets $TESTING to a true value if it was    previously defined. Bug #8213 by Matijs van Zuijlen.