map.resources with habtm


In you subject line you say you are using has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm) and in the body of your post you say you are using through. I would first suggest that you don't confuse these two since they are actually different.

I am going on the assumption that you have created a many-to-many using has_many :through.

So you would have something like this:

class Recipe << ActiveRecord::Base     has_many :recipe_ingredients     has_may :ingrediants, :through => :recipe_ingredients end

class Ingredient << ActiveRecord::Base     has_many :recipe_ingredients     has_many :recipes, :through => :recipe_ingredents end

class RecipeIngredient << ActiveRecord::Base     belongs_to :recipe     belongs_to :ingredient end

I would assume that a RecipeIngredient would have an additional column to store the quantity of the ingredient for the recipe.

Now you question is about adding ingredients to a recipe. Well in this case try to think about it as a simple CRUD operation. In thinking about it this way you would "Create" a new RecipeIngredient and assign it to a recipe and to an ingredient with something along the line of: