(Many-to-many)-to many

I'm very new at rails and wondering if ActiveRecord supports (many-to- many)-to many relationships.

For example: I have recipes, ingredients, and cookingmethods. Recipes have many ingredients, and ingredients are in many recipes. For each ingredient in a recipe, there is a different cooking method. For example, potatoes in a salad are diced, but potatoes in potato chips are sliced. Example database tables:

recipes: id, name recipes_ingredients: id, recipe_id, ingredient_id ingredients: ingredient_id, name cookingmethods: id, name recipes_ingredients_cookingmethods: recipe_ingredient_id, cookingmethod_id

I looked at through associations, but those seemed to deal only with many-to-many relationships.



I'm, looking at something similar, try this (http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk/browse_frm/thread/ b4e27651fb149e48?lnk=igtc) and let me know how you get on? I'd be interested in seeing your model and any extra finder methods you add...

Feel free to gTalk me


To do this, you have your ingredients, recipes and cooking_methods tables, as well as a join table… let’s call this recipe_ingredients. This would have foreign key columns, one for each of the other tables.


has_many :recipe_ingredients has_many :ingredients, :through => :recipe_ingredients has_many :cooking_methods, :through => :recipe_ingredients

Ingredient has_many :recipe_ingredients has_many :recipes, :through => :recipe_ingredients has_many :cooking_methods, :through => :recipe_ingredients

CookingMethod has_many :recipe_ingredients has_many :ingredients, :through => :recipe_ingredients has_many :recipes, :through => :recipe_ingredients

RecipeIngredient belongs_to :recipe belongs_to :ingredient belongs_to :cooking_method

There. It’s quite easy really. You just have to break down three-way relationships into two way ones, and that’ll solve any (database) relationship problems.

Hope this helps, -Nathan

*this would have three foreign key columns, one for each of the other tables.

I'd be interested to see how the and controllers and views should be constructed for this model


Thanks. I'll try that out. I've never gotten such a quick answer from posting a programming question on any forum before.


My inner database normalization conscience has some misgivings about this schema. Suppose the number of cooking methods is large compared to the number of recipe/ingredients. So potatoes in potato chips can be sliced, diced, grated... Then I'll end up duplicating the recipe/ ingredients foreign keys a lot in the join table.

Suppose further that people can comment on each recipe/ingredient/ cooking method combination. I would have to add a "comments" column to recipes_ingredients. Then for each comment, I'll have to duplicate the keys for recipes/ingredients/cookingmethod...this is clearly unnormalized.

So I think my original schema gives me more flexibility in the long run. Any way I can get rails to work with the original schema (see first post in thread)?

Thanks for your help.


My inner database normalization conscience has some misgivings about this schema. Suppose the number of cooking methods is large compared to the number of recipe/ingredients. So potatoes in potato chips can be sliced, diced, grated... Then I'll end up duplicating the recipe/ ingredients foreign keys a lot in the join table.

Suppose further that people can comment on each recipe/ingredient/ cooking method combination. I would have to add a "comments" column to recipes_ingredients. Then for each comment, I'll have to duplicate the keys for recipes/ingredients/cookingmethod...this is clearly unnormalized.

normalisation is not necessarily the best design in all cases... but I digress..

So I think my original schema gives me more flexibility in the long run. Any way I can get rails to work with the original schema (see first post in thread)?

Of course. You need to promote your ingredient/cookingmethod table to a proper first-class model. If you find yourself talking (or thinking) about a join table a lot, it's usually a sign that it wants to be a model.

You'll also want to read up on has_many :through.

Let's call that model Preparation. You then have:

class Ingredient   has_many :preparations   has_many :cooking_methods, :through=>:preparations   has_many :recipes, :through=>:preparations end

class Recipe   has_and_belongs_to_many :preparations   has_many :ingredients, :through=>:preparations end

class CookingMethod   has_many :preparations   has_many :ingredients, :through=>:preparations end

class Preparation   has_and_belongs_to_many :recipes   belongs_to :ingredient   belongs_to :cooking_method end

5 tables total, one for each of the models, plus a preparations_recipes table.


Im getting an error when running an app under fastCGI

file ../public_html/../config/../tmp/sessions//ruby_sess.(whatver) not readable

app works fine under regular cgi.

What would cause this?