Long running page issue


I know it is possible to display spinners for long running Ajax calls. Can we display any progress-bar/ spinner over the client side for the long running non-ajax request?

Please suggest some way to achieve that.


I know it is possible to display spinners for long running Ajax calls. Can we display any progress-bar/ spinner over the client side for the long running non-ajax request?

Please suggest some way to achieve that.

You can do a fake progress bar in JavaScript, but unless your server has some way to calculate the remainder of the request, and you have (most likely need to recompile Apache) installed some sort of progress system in your server, there's nothing built into Rails that will give you back a real estimate of progress. So anything you do will likely be just a cheat. The spinner is honest (says "I have no idea when, but not yet done").

Here's a fake one I wrote a while back for a project using bootstrap and Prototype.js


Ugh. Forgot the link: https://gist.github.com/walterdavis/00b912cd3ee85aeb99c7
