Login Fails from IE to subdomains only!

We currently run identical code on three Rails environments: staging.oururl.com sandbox.oururl.com and www.oururl.com and have the f**ing craziest problem:

Users with IE, intermittengly, cannot login to the Rails apps that have subdomains! Users with FF have no problem and both browsers have no problem with www.oururl.com.

We've gone so far as to switch the databases from sandbox.oururl.com and www.oururl.com with the exact same results.

Our environment: Apache 2.2/mongrel 0.2 on Rimuhost and control code posted below.

Any help or a push in the right direction appreciated.

Thanks, Brittain

Cross posted to mongrel list.

Brittain wrote:

We currently run identical code on three Rails environments: staging.oururl.com sandbox.oururl.com and www.oururl.com and have the f**ing craziest problem:

Users with IE, intermittengly, cannot login to the Rails apps that have subdomains! Users with FF have no problem and both browsers have no problem with www.oururl.com.

We've gone so far as to switch the databases from sandbox.oururl.com and www.oururl.com with the exact same results.

Our environment: Apache 2.2/mongrel 0.2 on Rimuhost and control code posted below.

Any help or a push in the right direction appreciated.

Thanks, Brittain

Cross posted to mongrel list.


  def login     #logger.debug("login(#{cookies[:remember_me]})")     @remember_me = cookies[:remember_me]     @email = (@remember_me ? cookies[:remembered_email] : nil)     return unless request.post?

    self.current_user = User.authenticate(params[:email], params[:password])     if current_user       cookies[:remember_me] = {:value => params[:remember_me], :expires => Time.now + 60.days}       cookies[:remembered_email] = {:value => (params[:remember_me] ? params[:email] : nil), :expires => Time.now + 60.days}

      flash[:notice] = "Logged in successfully"       redirect_back_or_default(last_pin)     else       flash[:notice] = "Invalid e-mail or password information"     end   end

I have seen something similar that was a cookie problem.

I had an issue many years ago on a perl site. The site was available as http://www.example.com, as well as http://example.com. Both urls pointed to the same site. The site was to remember the session for up to a certain number of days.

If someone logs in to example.com (no www), they get a cookie with the session id and an expiration date:

Name session_id Value 482226ec396b8463c65f76016f831360 Host example.com Path /secure Secure No Expires Monday, November 27, 2006 1:52:25 PM

If they later come back and log in to www.example.com, they get not a completely new cookie (what I expected), but what I would call a combined cookie:

Name session_id Value 482226ec396b8463c65f76016f831360 Host example.com Path /secure Secure No Expires Monday, November 27, 2006 1:52:25 PM

Name session_id Value 434f23dcdb8e133925743550bd8353c2 Host www.example.com Path /secure Secure No Expires Monday, November 27, 2006 1:53:14 PM

Note that there are two session_ids, only separated by a different Host. Which one will be returned to your code? I don't know what rails does, but I guess it would be a failure in some cases.

I could not find the rhyme or reason why this would be the case, but the phone calls came when one of the session keys expired, and the perl script was trying to activate the session.

My solution was to expire all the sessions, and then use an absolute URL to the login page as http://example.com/secure/login.pl, which would be problematic for you.

I suggest you dump the cookie from the disk of the one of the failures. I suspect you will find that it is caused by folks trying to log in to a different subdomains then where they previously were.

Sorry, I don't have a solution to the problem. I more or less just worked around it for my case.


Regards, Rich