link_to_function variable increment

My view looks like this <%count=0%>   <%=link_to_function("add another", nil, :id => "more_link") do | page>     page.insert_html :bottom, 'phone_numbers', add_phone_field(count +=1)   end %> add_phone_field is a helper method.I need to increment count on every click.But my code above does not do that. Once count gets the value 1 it remains one. How can I increase the value of count on every click.

My helper method :   def add_phone_field(num)       html=%{<div id="phone#{num}"> <label for="contact_phones_phone_number">Phone number</label>       }       html<< (fields_for :contact_phones do |ff|           ff.text_field :phone_number,:index=>num         end )       html<<link_to_function("delete", "$('phone#{num}').remove()")       html<<%{</div>}   end

Classic problem, please see and this

Essentially, what you need to do is, use :child_index => 'NEW_RECORD' and on click replace NEW_RECORD by some unique number (time will be most appropriate) using javascript.

Thanks, Abhinav