Hello, I try to launch many daemons from a script written in the script/repository.
One daemon is launched per site (AR model "Site"). I want to load Rails environment just once.
Each time a daemon is launched, script exits. I tried to "encapsulate" daemon launching in threads, but I have the same issue.
Have you any idea how to do what I want to ?
my codes :
without threading :
(...) Site.all.each{|site| p "start #{site.name}..." Daemons.run("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/daemons/proxy_client.rb", options.merge({:app_name => "proxy_client_# {site.id.to_s}", :ARGV =>[ARGV[0], '--', "SITE=# {site.id.to_s}"]}) } (...)
With threading : (...) Site.all.each{|site| p "start #{site.name}..." @threads << Thread.new{Daemons.run("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/daemons/ proxy_client.rb", options.merge({:app_name => "proxy_client_# {site.id.to_s}", :ARGV =>[ARGV[0], '--', "SITE=#{site.id.to_s}"]})) } end @threads.each{|t| t.join} (...)