Hi people
I have a problem with the Jquery "Datepicker".
If I use datepicker in a simple-form, I have no problem... but I need
to use it in a nested form that add fields dynamically, and everytime
I add new fields I have a field that needs to use datepicker.
I've reading the web, and many people have the same problem, but
nobody get a solution for this issue
Could you help me??
Hi people
I have a problem with the Jquery “Datepicker”.
you should ask in a jquery group/forum
If I use datepicker in a simple-form, I have no problem… but I need
to use it in a nested form that add fields dynamically, and everytime
I add new fields I have a field that needs to use datepicker.
try calling the datepicker method on the field everytime you add it. if you’re
storing the field in a variable, then just call variable.datepicker() after you add
the field to the page.