how can I specify the order of included JavaScript files using javascript_include_tag :all?
Thanks, Gustavo
how can I specify the order of included JavaScript files using javascript_include_tag :all?
Thanks, Gustavo
"Gustavo de Sá Carvalho Honorato" <gustavohonorato wrote in post #967278:
how can I specify the order of included JavaScript files using javascript_include_tag :all?
I don't think you can.
It's normally bad practice to use :all anyway. Just include the JS you need on that particular page.
Thanks, Gustavo
"Gustavo de Sá Carvalho Honorato" <gustavohonorato wrote in post #967278: > Hi, > > how can I specify the order of included JavaScript files using > javascript_include_tag :all?
I don't think you can.
It's normally bad practice to use :all anyway. Just include the JS you need on that particular page.
But in this Scalling Rails tutorial (http://railslab.newrelic.com/2009/01/22/page-responsiveness), they recommend to use :all in production systems to reduce page responsiveness. They said that in production enviroments when you use "javascript_include_tag :all", Rails automatically wraps all javascript files in just one minified file, reducing the total javascript size and the overhead of multiples GET request.
"Gustavo de Sá Carvalho Honorato" <gustavohonorato wrote in post #967389: