Issue with savon and ssl headers

Hi my problem is this i'm trying to write some rules for ssl connection but i just can't write the attributes of some nodes.

Here is the code I wrote

soap.header = { "To" => "URL",             "Action" => "action",             "ReplyTo" => {"Address" => "URL"},             "MessageId" => "uuid,             "wsse:Security" => {"wsu:Timestamp" => {"wsu:Created" => "Time", "wsu:Expires" => "Time"}},             :attributes! => {"ReplyTo" => { "xmlns"=> "namespace"},"To" => { "xmlns"=> "namespace"},"Action" => {"xmlns"=> "namespace", "xmlns:S" => "Error, "S:mustUnderstand"=>"1"},"MessageId" => { "xmlns"=> ""\}, "wsse:Security" => {"S:mustUnderstand" => "1"}, "Timestamp" => {"xmlns:ns" => "url"}}           }

and the request it's formed in this way

<env:Header>     <ReplyTo xmlns=";&gt;         <Address>;/Address&gt;     </ReplyTo>     <To xmlns="namespace">URL</To>     <Action xmlns="namespace" xmlns:S="Error; S:mustUnderstand="1">action</Action>     <MessageId xmlns=";&gt;uuid&lt;/MessageId&gt;     <wsse:Security S:mustUnderstand="1">         <wsu:Timestamp>             <wsu:Expires> Time</wsu:Expires>             <wsu:Created> Time</wsu:Created>         </wsu:Timestamp>     </wsse:Security> </env:Header>

Like you can see the issue I have is that the node Timestamp don't have his attribute and this happen with every node inside of another one it just seems to work right for parent nodes

searchin I found that gyoku 0.4.4 support another way to write the attributes using @ but i write something like this

{"a" => "@ns:name", "_content" => {"b", "c"}}

and it make a real mess it creates the node <_content> instead of the result i want.

What i'm doing wrong? I use savon 0.9.9