Issue with how Rails finds its root

Hey guys,

I wanted to ask about how Rails 3 finds it root 'cause of some issues I had on a project earlier.

I was trying to test Rails with Rake. Rails is being stored in "MY_RAILS_PROJ/vendor/gems/gems/rails-3.0.pre." I had a test failing because it was setting the application root to MY_RAILS_PROJ instead of MY_RAILS_PROJ/vendor/gems/gems/rails-3.0.pre/tmp/app which is where it should've set the application to.

The test "the application root is Dir.pwd if there is no" in rails-3.0.pre/test/configuration_test.rb was the culprit. The test removed the file from the tmp/app to test that it makes the Rails.root equal Dir.pwd.

It found my though, the one for MY_RAILS_PROJ. Unfortunately, now if I want to test my updates to Rails as I work on my project, I have to remove my for MY_RAILS_PROJ for the test suite to run successfully.

I'm wondring why this while loop exists in the root method in configuration.rb:

        while root_path && && !File.exist? ("#{root_path}/")           parent = File.dirname(root_path)           root_path = parent != root_path && parent         end

According to configuration_test.rb, it's so that can be detected from both RAILS_ROOT/config/ and RAILS_ROOT/, which is understandable. But should the loop be allowed to check outside of the presumed RAILS_ROOT? And if so, why?