Is there good autocomplete/intellisense for Rails development?

Are there any plugins you use to for vscode-like intellisense/autocomplete? And not just a generic one, but rather has context of the project you’re working on, for example:

  1. Suggests helper functions
  2. Suggests Model names and their child methods/properties
  3. Shows inline errors if accessing a field not present on a model

basically how a language server works, but for your rails app? I think the best comparision I have is Rust Analyzer but for Rails

Personally I’m quite happy with Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA’ Ruby plugin (= same experience as when buying RubyMine directly, I just use IntelliJ for historical reasons as I come from Java development). The experience overall has been positive. I did not really compare with VSCode however.

  1. in a quick test it suggests helpers but some seem missing, but for me it’s been good enough
  2. yes, seems to work
  3. yes, there is a squiggle under the field name with the message “Cannot find ‘foo’ for type ‘Model’”

Ruby has several LSP servers including

From my experience, none of them provides perfect completions. Rails doesn’t have fully prepared types, so type system doesn’t help us a lot.

You can use ctags to get TAG files and use it for completion with your editor plugin.

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I’ve been using vs code with solargraph and tabnine, it’s not perfect but makes writing code much easier.

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I use JetBrains RubyMine and couldn’t be happier. It’s the bomb.

What about ‘Ruby LSP’. There is even official documentation on the Visual Studio Code website:

I couldn’t get it to work with GitHub - rails/docked: Running Rails from Docker for easy start to development