is that a good example for using has_many :through?

I have Company has_many :categories and Category has_many :companies. One Company for an associated Category has classifications, example: Company-1 has Category OG1 with Classification_type I Classification_amount 10.000 and Classification_type II Classification_amount 50.000. Is that a good reason to use Company has_many categories through categorizations in which put attributes for Classifications?

I'm not sure, because I don't see the connection between Classification and Category. If a Company's Classifications only make sense within the context of a given Category, then yes, HMT *might* make sense. You'd have to give us more information.

Another question is whether the Classifications are few and fixed, e.g., there are only those two (or maybe a few more), and there is very little chance of any more being added. If so, then it *might* make sense to make those attributes of the company-classifications relation. Otherwise I'd be tempted to make them their own class, and either refer to the company-classification, or refer directly to the Company and Classification.

Let's take a more fully fleshed-out example, from an app I'm designing at the moment. In Toastmasters, Clubs have many Members, and a Member can have many Clubs. So far, this could be done with either HMT or HABTM. But, there is information about a Member, that only makes sense in the context of a given Club, such as when he joined, and when his dues expire. That points to creation of a Membership table, with foreign keys into the Member and Club tables. Each will have_many of the other, :through => :Memberships.

But then there are other possible relationships. Each Club can have several officers, some of which are standard (President, Vice President of Education, etc.), and some of which are not (Webmaster, Corporate Liaison, etc.). The standard ones *could* be done as attributes of a Club, holding the ID of the appropriate Member. But the nonstandard ones should be separate. (One could say "give them a number of slots, each with a name and a Member ID, but that approach has been tried in similar circumstances and found too limiting.) Alternately one could put an office_name or even office_list on the Membership record, but that's also rather inflexible (given that Members may hold multiple Offices in one Club) and wasteful (given that most Members won't be Officers at any given time). So, I've planned this out as an Office record, having a name, the ID of the Club, and the ID of the Member. Given that we have those, and given that I'd like this thing to be usable for other than Toastmasters clubs, I intend to use that sort of schema for *all* the offices. It's still a bit fragile, given that the Office names could get translated or misspelled, but I think it's a reasonable compromise, as I don't want to maintain a master list of Office names.

Is any of this analogous to what you're trying to do? Does it at least shed some light on when you might want to tack things onto a relationship table?


I have Company has_many :categories and Category has_many :companies. One Company for an associated Category has classifications, example: Company-1 has Category OG1 with Classification_type I Classification_amount 10.000 and Classification_type II Classification_amount 50.000. Is that a good reason to use Company has_many categories through categorizations in which put attributes for Classifications?

I'm not sure, because I don't see the connection between Classification and Category. If a Company's Classifications only make sense within the context of a given Category, then yes, HMT *might* make sense. You'd have to give us more information.

Yes it is. A Company has one or more categories associated and for each of the associated category has one type of classification.

Another question is whether the Classifications are few and fixed, e.g., there are only those two (or maybe a few more), and there is very little chance of any more being added. If so, then it *might* make sense to make those attributes of the company-classifications relation. Otherwise I'd be tempted to make them their own class, and either refer to the company-classification, or refer directly to the Company and Classification.

Classifications are about 10 and there is a chance of being added more or being modified. Classification attributes are "classification_type" and "amount".