A Company has many categories and a Category has many companies.
A Company for each of its own categories has a Classification.
For example:
Company-1 has Category-1 and Category-2.
Company-1 - Category-1 has Classification-III while Company-1 -
Category-2 has Classification IV.
How can I declare associations?
I'm also was thinking about has_many :through.
The join model is Classification with attriìbutes like:
But if classification.amount for classification.type II change I must
change all the occurrences for company and categories where
classification.type II occurs.
I think its better to use a join table like this:
Indeed. I had not understood there are only a limited number of
Classification types possible between the Company and the
In that case, indeed it is better that the association table does
not have the Classification attributes itself, but you normalized
out these attributes to a third Classification table (with the
Classification#classification_type Classification.amount attributes).
WARNING: do not use ‘type’ as a column name, it is a special
column that is used for STI (Single Table Inheritance). Unless
you would really want to use STI on your Classifications (which
might make sense in an OO design if certain Classification types
have special functionality that is different from other Classification