I am very new to Ruby and recently i started learning Ruby on rails
I keep searching and reading articles to know about Ruby on Rails.
I found many articles, where mostly Ruby is compared with Python, and in
80-90% cases it concludes that Python is better,
based on performance, time taking to build app, admin section or
easness. But I am not sure how true it is.
Is really Python is better than Ruby? or is somthing else which I dont
know about Ruby. Is ROR works well on shared servers
I am very new to Ruby and recently i started learning Ruby on rails
I keep searching and reading articles to know about Ruby on Rails.
I found many articles, where mostly Ruby is compared with Python, and in
80-90% cases it concludes that Python is better,
My advice is to not get caught up in the which language is better or
faster, instead look at the bigger picture.
What do you need the language for and what set of tools are available
to enable you to get the required job done most effectively. Those are
some of the core questions.
based on performance, time taking to build app, admin section or
easness. But I am not sure how true it is.
Rails vs Django article
I hear this one all the time. My answer: a.) these are server-side
applications. b.) hardware is cheap.
Is really Python is better than Ruby? or is somthing else which I dont
know about Ruby. Is ROR works well on shared servers
Ruby on Rails offers much more extensive options for training and
support. There are a number of sites that offer extensive screencasts
(Railscasts, Peepcode, RubyInside). Dozens of blogs and forums are very
active. Dozens of books are available.
From what I have read (similar to you), any advantage that Python has is
not dramatic (it's certainly not 5 times or 10 times faster or more
powerful). If you are getting started with dynamic languages or web
frameworks, the advantage in learning and support for Ruby/Rails should
be the deciding factor. The greater supply of Ruby/Rails information
means quicker learning and easier time in figuring things out.
Once you know Ruby/Rails, picking up Python/Django is pretty simple.