is equal operator to check current user is owner

I'm want to restrict access to an object show action to the owner

in my action I have this

def show     @thing = Thing.find(params[:id])     if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user       respond_to do |format|         format.json { render :json => @thing }       end     else       render :status => :forbidden, :text => "API requires authentication for the minute."     end end

Which works in the browser, however when running functional tests even though @thing.owner is the same user as current_user it is not the same object so the comparison fails as I see it I have a few options but wanted to try and gauge what people feel is the best way

1) adjust the test setup so the logged in user is the same object and the comparison returns true (I have no idea how I would go about doing this)

2) just do ==, this seems like the most obvious and easiest but somehow less elegant

3) write my own comparison method on my user class, either:

def is_equal_to user(user)   return == end


def is_current_user   return == end

4) something else I haven't thought about

I'm want to restrict access to an object show action to the owner

in my action I have this

def show @thing = Thing.find(params[:id]) if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => @thing } end else render :status => :forbidden, :text => "API requires authentication for the minute." end end

Which works in the browser, however when running functional tests even though @thing.owner is the same user as current_user it is not the same object so the comparison fails as I see it I have a few options but wanted to try and gauge what people feel is the best way

1) adjust the test setup so the logged in user is the same object and the comparison returns true (I have no idea how I would go about doing this)

2) just do ==, this seems like the most obvious and easiest but somehow less elegant

That is what == on two active record objects do (plus a little bit of subtlety around new, unsaved objects). How are you setting up the test?


I'm want to restrict access to an object show action to the owner

in my action I have this

def show @thing = Thing.find(params[:id]) if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user

Not related to your problem, but just pointing out that you might be better to use a :conditions option in the find so that it only finds the current users things in the first place. Then put this in a named scope in the Thing model and the above reduces to something like @thing = Thing.current_users_things.find(params[:id])


> I'm want to restrict access to an object show action to the owner

> in my action I have this

> def show > @thing = Thing.find(params[:id]) > if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user

Not related to your problem, but just pointing out that you might be better to use a :conditions option in the find so that it only finds the current users things in the first place. Then put this in a named scope in the Thing model and the above reduces to something like @thing = Thing.current_users_things.find(params[:id])


But if it doesnt find anything i wont know weither to return a 404 or a 403

> I'm want to restrict access to an object show action to the owner

> in my action I have this

> def show > @thing = Thing.find(params[:id]) > if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user > respond_to do |format| > format.json { render :json => @thing } > end > else > render :status => :forbidden, :text => "API requires > authentication for the minute." > end > end

> Which works in the browser, however when running functional tests even > though @thing.owner is the same user as current_user it is not the > same object so the comparison fails as I see it I have a few options > but wanted to try and gauge what people feel is the best way

> 1) adjust the test setup so the logged in user is the same object and > the comparison returns true (I have no idea how I would go about doing > this)

> 2) just do ==, this seems like the > most obvious and easiest but somehow less elegant

That is what == on two active record objects do (plus a little bit of subtlety around new, unsaved objects). How are you setting up the test?


I'm using the Authlogic so have followed the instructions here


Your current code does not allow that distinction either.

Since I see you are using authlogic do you not have a before filter require_user or similar so that you can trap no user condition before it even gets to the show action?


no but i could add it in at some point (psudo code:)

def show     @thing = Thing.find(params[:id])     if not @thing         throw 404     else if current_user && @thing.owner == current_user       respond_to do |format|         format.json { render :json => @thing }       end     else       render :status => :forbidden, :text => "API requires authentication for the minute."     end end

require user sounds like a better way to do if current_user but does solve the current_user == @thing.owner part

Have you tried sticking some breakpoints in your code to see how current_user and @thing.owner differ?


sorry I'm still getting into rails and haven't got round to debugging yet

but they have the same data but are different objects if I do puts user and puts for each this is what i get

#<User:0x00000102e73490> 1 #<User:0x00000104291698> 1

> I'm using the Authlogic so have followed the instructions here

Have you tried sticking some breakpoints in your code to see how current_user and @thing.owner differ?

sorry I'm still getting into rails and haven't got round to debugging

Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging. Use ruby-debug to allow you to break into your code and then you can inspect data and follow the program flow.


I'm the biggest noob in the world

the comparison was comparing them correctly

I had a typo in my test assertion that was causing it to fail when it should have passed

apologies for the trouble

i will get on and look at ruby-debug though

You don't have to be a noob for that. Typos are often the most difficult errors to find. When inspecting the code one sees what one expects to see rather than what is actually there.
