invalid date error in many cases


  i use rails 3.0.1,mysql2 and ruby 1.9.2 on windows 7,but i met invalid date error in many places,for example,when add index,the error happens,i cancel index,but when activate user account using restful_authentication plugin,the error happens again. so how to fix it? or can you recommend the stable rails version to seems to be a problem for a few people.

can you give some suggestions?

can you give some suggestions?

Can you provide specific code examples and resulting errors… that would allow someone here to attempt to help you.

David Kahn wrote in post #961291:

David Kahn wrote in post #961291:

can you give some suggestions?

Can you provide specific code examples and resulting errors… that


allow someone here to attempt to help you.

I have copied the code examples in the attached file,thank you for your



The error seems to be in users_controller.rb line 32… can you show the code of this line and the surrounding method:

ArgumentError (invalid date):
  app/controllers/users_controller.rb:32:in `activate'

The error seems to be in users_controller.rb line 32.... can you show the code of this line and the surrounding method:

ArgumentError (invalid date):   app/controllers/users_controller.rb:32:in `activate'

line 32 is following: user = User.find_by_activation_code(params[:activation_code]) unless params[:activation_code].blank?

the surrounding methods are in attached file.

the activate is method invoked by a link in email template which is sent successfully by an observer.

the route for activate method: match '/activate/:activation_code' => 'users#activate', :as => :activate, :activation_code => nil

The error seems to be in users_controller.rb line 32.... can you show the code of this line and the surrounding method:

ArgumentError (invalid date):   app/controllers/users_controller.rb:32:in `activate'

line 32 is following: user = User.find_by_activation_code(params[:activation_code]) unless params[:activation_code].blank?

the surrounding methods are in attached file.

the activate is method invoked by a link in email template which is sent successfully by an observer.

the route for activate method: match '/activate/:activation_code' => 'users#activate', :as => :activate, :activation_code => nil


I created an user and read it in my rails console,the same error happened,it seems mysql2 has bug,but i don't know how to manage it? please see the attachment.



  I have resolved the problem by uninstalling mysql2 and using the old mysql gem.Thank you David.