Integrating the fb_graph or koala gem with devise+mongoid+omniauth in rails 3

I need Facebook API integration in my rails application, but I can't figure out how to store the Facebook access token from Omniauth so that it can be reused later by a Facebook API gem. The Facebook API gems I am considering is fb_graph or koala (don't really care which), but I am open to other solutions if there are better alternatives.

A question on Stackoverflow provides a solution which the questioner (and I) were not able to get to work:   ruby on rails - Does OmniAuth provide simple hooks to the Facebook Graph API? - Stack Overflow

The base code I want to integrate fb_graph or koala into comes from the official devise example page: The base I am using integrates devise+mongoid+omniauth:

Any tips on how to integrate fb_graph or koala (or any other facebook API connection) with this devise+mongoid+omniauth base would be greatly appreciated.

Best, Andy