
I just got a mac book pro and was thinking I would try my hand a ruby and ruby on rails I have installed rails with sudo gem install rails four different times because no one says to be in a certain dir when you start the install. I do which rails and get Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type: I have tried adding to the path where gem says rails is and I have restarted the whole computer still no luck any help would be great. I used the video on followed from the beginning so I am not sure whats going on.

That's because it doesn't matter. :slight_smile:

What is the output of `sudo gem install rails` ?

What is the output of `gem list --local` ?

What is the output of `gem env` ?

This pointer takes you to a project with a couple of scripts that should setup what you need. It'sa polished and maintained set of scripts for installing ruby on rails on a mac.

Best of luck! -kevin
