If it's just for learning, go get Locomotive. It's a self-contained pre-2.0 rails installation. When you're done with it, just drop the folder in the trash.
If you also get MAMP you'll have a self-contained Mysql installation too.
Hi , i want the same. i install the rails versions 1.2.3 and 2.0.2 in
my ubuntu8.4 . but i unable to create project with versions which i
want. its creating with 2.0.2 only ,not able to creating with 1.2.3
version. i used the command : rails _1.2.3_ myapp .
plz help me . is there anything wrong i did.
Hi , but its not working for me . i am using rails versions 1.2.3 and
2.0.2 . but tha command rails _12.3_ appname not working for me. its
creating only in rails 2.0.2 even if i gave 1.2.3 . my os is
ubuntu8.4 . plz suggest solutin