Can I have/use different Versions of rails in the same machine

I am actually reading a rails book that is written for rails 2.3.5. I want to test Rails 3 beta as well. Is it possible to have such a setup in my Mac OS leopard?

I have tried with gem list -d rails. There are many versions stored in my mac but I don't know how to use different version of rails while creating new applications with rails command.

Hi, It is possible to have different rails application on single machine. While creating rails application u just need to specify corrosponding rails version. $rails _version_number_ -d database_name application_name For ex. $rails _2.3.5_ -d mysql temp

Thank you.

Currently I have rails 2.3.8 set up in my mac. I want to install rails 3 beta as well and test it whenever I feel like.

What command I should give to install rails 3. Is it just ' gem install rails' or .... ?


first you install ruby 1.8.7 after that you type

**gem install i18n tzinfo builder memcache-client rack rack-test rack-mount erubis mail text-format thor bundler**
**gem install rails --pre**   .This will install rails 3.0beta


"gem install rails --prerelease" should install the current beta. You also need to make sure that you have the latest version of RubyGems with "gem update --system".

BTW. You can install any version of rails (and any version of any gem for that matter) specifically, by adding the "-v <version number>" to "gem install rails", e.g. "gem install rails -v 2.3.8"

Cheers, Frane

I was under the impression that there were problems installing rails 2 and 3 on the same PC. Is that not correct?


If you use rvm you gain the ability to have separate sets of gems, named gem sets, etc.