I spent 30 minutes on Google attempting to discover how to install Git on Ubuntu, so I thought I would post this so others may find it.
sudo apt-get install git-core
simple enough, but it could be gem install, or some other method and I didn't want to get it wrong.
It seemed to work, but If this is not correct, please post the recommended method.
Links to rails/git resources
Peepcode on Git http://peepcode.com/products/git
Using Git to Manage and Deploy your Rails Apps http://jointheconversation.org/railsgit/
Installing Git on Ubuntu (Gutsy server edition) http://chrisolsen.org/2008/03/10/installing-git-on-ubuntu/
Setup Ubuntu 8.04 Rails Server Using Passenger http://www.sysadminschronicles.com/articles/2008/05/06/ubuntu-8-04-rails-server-using-passenger
git repository hosting no longer a pain in the @$$ http://github.com/
If y'all have other good Git/Rails resources, please post them.
Happy Days.