include ActionView::Helpers in Rails 3?

How do you do the equivalent of:

module MyLibrary   include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper end Rails 3?

I'm trying to upgrade my app from 2.3.9 to 3.0.1 and I have some stuff in /lib that needs to include these helpers from ActionView. It works fine in 2.3.x, but in 3.x it's giving me the error:

undefined local variable or method `config'

One of the methods in AssetTagHelper now tries to access controller.config.perform_caching, but since no controller exists in my library, it flips out. Any way around this?

Thanks! Marc

I'm trying to figure out the same thing. Please post an update if you have a solution.


Andrew Kaspick wrote in post #956776:

I'm trying to figure out the same thing. Please post an update if you have a solution.


Ok, here's my solution, but it feels dirty... it'd be nice if somebody knew if there was a "proper" solution.

Anyway, I added the following methods to my module. I used extend so I'm using self on these, but since you're using include, you can drop the self part.

  def self.config=(controller)     @controller = controller   end   def self.config     @controller   end   def self.controller     @controller   end

I just call call the config= method with a controller object; if you don't have one, you'll have to gain access to it somehow.