helper method does not include helper module into controller

Hi all,

I want to include helper module into controller and I tried to use helper method but it doesn't work. It actually works in Rails 2.X. For instance, I have AppletsHelper and I want to include that module in my controller. So, in my controller I would write

helper :applets

but still I can't call method in that helper "undefined local variable or method". Is it a bug in Rails 3.X?


Hi all,

I want to include helper module into controller and I tried to use helper method but it doesn't work. It actually works in Rails 2.X. For instance, I have AppletsHelper and I want to include that module in my controller. So, in my controller I would write

helper :applets

but still I can't call method in that helper "undefined local variable or method". Is it a bug in Rails 3.X?

The helper method includes the named module in the views of that controller - it doesn't include the module in the controller itself. If that's what you want then just include the module yourself
