HttpMock Post Parameters

Does anyone know how you can specify the body of an HttpMock post as well as the body of the response?

I'm trying to test a restful API where the parameters are posted in in the body of the post as XML and the response is XML in the response body.

As far as I can tell, you can only specify one body in a mock object?

Thanks, Tom

I never got a reply, so either I'm crazy or other people have just lived with the issue. In any event, I wanted to post my work around. Rather than creating my mock request/response pairs using the ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to method, I actually had to create both the request and the response individually and then add them to the ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses. Here is what I did:

# Created my mock request: request =,                                        path = "/my/path.xml",                                        body = my_request_body_xml_string,                                        request_headers = request_headers_hash)

# Created my mock response: response = = my_response_body_xml_string,                                         status = 200,                                         response_header_hash)

# Add the pair to the mock responses: ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses << [request, response]