I need to make use of "Hpricot gem"
files. I don't want to install it as a gem. I copied lib/hpricot/*{all
files} and lib/hpricot.rb to my application.
below is lib/hpricot.rb
require 'encoding/character/utf-8'
rescue LoadError
I need to make use of "Hpricot gem"
files. I don't want to install it as a gem. I copied lib/hpricot/*{all
files} and lib/hpricot.rb to my application.
below is lib/hpricot.rb
require 'encoding/character/utf-8'
rescue LoadError
I need to make use of "Hpricot gem"
files. I don't want to install it as a gem. I copied lib/hpricot/*{all
files} and lib/hpricot.rb to my application.
Why not install it as a gem, then unpack it into vendor?