How would I find all "players" on an "active team"?

@active_team = Team.find(:all, :conditions => ["active=?", true])

The result of find(:all,...) is an array

Now, I'm trying to use in my loop:


You want @active_team.each {|t| t.players}

or some such.

Danny Burkes wrote:

@active_team = Team.find(:all, :conditions => ["active=?", true])

The result of find(:all,...) is an array

Now, I'm trying to use in my loop:


You want @active_team.each {|t| t.players}

or some such.

Hi Danny,

I tried the @active_team.each {|t| t.players}, but it's not working for me. It's reading the contents of the Team model for some reason. Is there an alternative way that might work?