how to describe negative find condition in has_many

I have a Teams that has_many Players.

I need to get the list of Teams that have no active players (whether they have 0 players or they have a lot of players all of whom are non- active).

Can't figure out the conditions for doing this other than subtracting the ones with active players from the list of all teams. The issue is that I don't want teams with *some* non-active players, I need the teams which have only non-active players.

Here's how I'm doing it now. I assume that there's a better way so will appreciate seeing the magic.



Player < AR::Base

  validates_inclusion_of :status, :in => [:active, :inactive, :injured, :dead]


Team < AR::Base

  has_many :players

  named_scope :with_active_players, {      :include => :players,      :conditions => ["players.status = ?", "active"],      :group => "", # no dups      :order => ''   }

  def self.without_active_players      (Team.find(:all) - Team.with_active_players).sort_by { |t| }   end



named_scope :without_active_players, :conditions => “NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM players WHERE AND status=‘active’)”, :order => “name”

Does this work?


He shoots. He scores!

Thanks much for the insight.
