How to validate password complexity


I have a user model that saves password_salt and password_hash in DB, there is no password attribute. I would like to validate the password complexity with regular expression, but because password is not an attribute validation always fails. How can I accomplish this validation using the validation framework?


class User < ActiveRecord::Base   validates_format_of :password,       :with => /^.*(?=.{6,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*$/

  def password=(pass)     salt = [{rand(256).chr}.join].pack("m").chomp     self.password_salt, self.password_hash =       salt, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(pass + salt)   end

  def password   end end


I have a user model that saves password_salt and password_hash in DB, there is no password attribute. I would like to validate the password complexity with regular expression, but because password is not an attribute validation always fails. How can I accomplish this validation using the validation framework?

You can always override validate or validate_on_create

See: Peak Obsession

Thank you Christopher. I will do that.