How to setup the follow/unfollow/block link_to button for Acts_As_Follower Rails 4

I'm currently in the process of completing the setup for the acts_as_follower gem for Rails 4. When I click on the follow button, the ActionView Exception Missing Template kicks in. Does anyone know how to create a multi-state Zurb Foundation button for it or even custom radius button. Simply: "Follow/Unfollow" If you have a better approach, please share it. These solutions are necessities to development.

Missing template users/follow, application/follow with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>, :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :coffee, :slim, :haml, :jbuilder]}. Searched in:

<%= link_to 'Follow', follow_user_path(@user), class: 'button success radius small' %>

def follow     @user = User.friendly.find(params[:id])     if current_user       if current_user == @user         flash[:error] = 'You cannot follow yourself.'       else         current_user.follow(@user)         flash[:notice] = "You are now following #{@user.username}"       end     else       flash[:error] = "You must be logged in to follow #{@user.username}."       redirect_to :back     end   end

  def unfollow     @user = User.friendly.find(params[:id])     if current_user     current_user.stop_following(@user)       flash[:notice] = "You are no longer following #{@user.username}."     else       flash[:error] = "You must be logged in to unfollow #{@user.username}."       redirect_to user_path(@user)   end   end

  def block     @user = User.friendly.find(params[:id])     if current_user       current_user.block(@user)       flash[:notice] = "You have blocked #{@user.username}."       redirect_to user_path(@user)     else       flash[:notice] = "You aren't following #{@user.username}."     end   end

If you created an AJAX solution with the buttons before? Please post the snippets while explaining your best practice method.

If you created an AJAX solution with the buttons before? Please post the snippets while explaining your best practice method.

Please post the output of rake routes in your terminal here. It appears as though the gem should be hooking in a route to handle the click, but your Rails app didn't pick it up. Also, did you restart your app after adding the gem and running bundle install?


[GET] /users/:id/follow - follow_user [GET] /users/:id/unfollow - unfollow_user

JS _create.js.erb $('#follow_user').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'follow_user', :locals => {:user => @user}) %>');


_destroy.js.erb $('#follow_user').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'follow_user', :locals => {:user => @user}) %>');



<% unless current_user %>     <% if current_user.following?(user) %>         <%= link_to "Unfollow #{user.username}", unfollow_user_path(user), :method => :delete, :remote => true %>     <% else %>         <%= link_to "Follow #{user.username}", follow_user_path(user), class: 'button success radius small', :method => :post, :remote => true %>     <% end %> <% end %>

render link <%= render 'users/follow_user' %>


resources :users, :only => [:show] do     member do       get :follow       get :unfollow       post :follow       post :unfollow       get :block       get :followers       get :following       get :posts     end   end

A message shows you aren't currently following <yourself> constantly.

I'm using the latest version of Acts_As_Follower Gem. Can you help me structure the solution better. Thanks

It cannot find a follow.html.erb template view.

Missing template users/follow, application/follow with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>, :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :coffee, :slim, :haml, :jbuilder]}. Searched in:

It cannot find a follow.html.erb template view.

Woops, clicked enter by mistake.

The error comes because it's looking for a file `follow.html.erb` in your app/views/<controller>/ directory. In your `follow` method, you do not direct it anywhere, or tell it to render any other view, so that's what it's looking for. Did you want it to go somewhere else?

def follow

    @user = User.friendly.find(params[:id])     if current_user       if current_user == @user         flash[:error] = 'You cannot follow yourself.'       else         current_user.follow(@user)         flash[:notice] = "You are now following #{@user.username}"       end     else       flash[:error] = "You must be logged in to follow #{@user.username}."       redirect_to :back     end   end

The only redirect in that method happens if there is no logged in user. The rest of it sets the flash, then falls through to the standard render.

By convention, a controller action will render a template with the same name as the action plus the format extension (html in this case) and handlers.

I'm in need of the AJAX method that allows a person to follow without rendering a view.

I'm in need of the AJAX method that allows a person to follow without rendering a view.

Initially you wanted to use a `link_to` to display the link someone would click on to indicate they wanted to follow someone.

<%= link_to 'Follow', follow_user_path(@user), class: 'button success

radius small' %>

You'll need to change this into an AJAX request rather than a link_to. You could probably use `button_tag` but you'll still need to write the actual AJAX JavaScript code yourself for it. It's pretty straight-forward in jQuery, attaching a callback to the click event on the button, and the callback function does the AJAX request.

On the server side, if you really wish to render nothing at all, `render nothing: true` will do that. See < Layouts and Rendering in Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides.

tamouse m. wrote in post #1176466:

In your link_to declaration, add remote: true in the options, and in your controller, add a handler for format.js alongside the format.html in the respond_to block. In that handler's block, tell it what to do. The simplest thing is to render a follow.js.erb, which can contain any JavaScript you like to note to the user that the follow event happened. Change the text of the button to "Following" for example. Add and remove a CSS class to "flash" the button or whatever else makes sense to your users.
