How to restart AR transaction? under “Exception handling and rolling back” says that “One should restart the entire transaction if an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid occurred.” My question is how? I tried wrapping the statements in two separate transaction block but that still doesn’t work.

I have something like:

self.transaction do
  bar = create!(params) rescue nil
unless bar
  self.transaction do
    bar = find_or_initialize_by(foo: foo)

and PG would still complain about it with “PG::Error: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block”. So my question is whether there is a proper way of restarting the transaction? Thanks!



Thanks for the reply, Scott. Can you show me how? I’ve tried per this but it still doesn’t work.

self.transaction do bar = create(params) rescue nil

raise ActiveRecord::Rollback unless bar end unless bar self.transaction do bar = find_or_initialize_by(foo: foo) bar.update(params)

end end

Look at the actual SQL in the logs.