How to modify the template path for ActionMailer used in a Ruby script ?

I am testing a ruby 1.9.2 script (it'll be run in a cron task later...) in which I am trying to use ActionMailer All my files are in a single folder 'joinus_email

- joinus_email     joinus_email.rb     notifier.rb     - notifications         joinus_email.html.erb         joinus_email.text.erb

running the script joinus_email.rb, (in which I defined the ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings) mail = Notifier.joinus_email("").deliver

is raising an exception : exception: Missing template notifier/joinus_email with {:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml], :formats=>[:html], :locale=>[:en]} in view paths

notifier.rb class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base   default :from => ""     def joinus_email(destination, coupon)       @url = ""       mail(:template_path => 'notifications', :to => destination, :subject => "Welcome") do |format|         format.html         format.text       end     end end

I believe there is something wrong with the :template_path => 'notifications' parameter... I tried a relative path : " ./notifications" same error raised I also tried to define upon initialization : TEMPLATE_ROOT = "./ notifications" in the joinus_email.rb script , same error raised ...

any suggestions ?

[SOLVED] using ActionMailer::Base.prepend_view_path('./') and changing the notifications folder name to notifier