How to make WHERE foo_id IN () query?


There are 3 models: A has_many :Cs B has_many :Cs C belongs_to A and B

I got a single object of A and an array of B objects. How can I get all Cs that have a_id equal to object *and* b_id that belongs to an object in Bs array?



There are 3 models: A has_many :Cs B has_many :Cs C belongs_to A and B

I got a single object of A and an array of B objects. How can I get all Cs that have a_id equal to object *and* b_id that belongs to an object in Bs array?

C.find_all_by_a_id_and_b_id(, [some_objects])

should work


Thanks! I had no idea you can pass an array of AR objects to find_by_something_id.