how to make the whenever gem to run a cron job

how to make the whenever gem to run a cron job? I have installed the whenever gem into my rails project successfully,could any one tell me on how i can get this gem run a rake task for me...

If you are using cron then you do not need to use whenever. Simple run the rake task from cron.


Whenever just helps to use cron with simple ruby syntax. To make it run cronjobs. You need to: 1. Exec in your project folder:   wheneverize . This will create config/schedule.rb file.

2. There type some action needed to be done with cron: every 3.hours do   rake "my:rake:task" end

3. Save it and execute that   whenever --update-crontab This will update crontab file. You can ensure that crontab is written by   crontab -l

4. And final point restart cron   sudo services cron restart

Enjoy =)

If I had looked up whenever before replying then my post might have been more helpful :frowning:


whenever --update-crontab -set='environment=development'

"And final point restart cron   sudo services cron restart"

I am using Ubuntu 10.04,i tried running this code sudo /etc/init.d to restart the cron,but did not work,do you have any fixes for that

dv abhi, Can you provide more info? Have you tried to run `sudo services cron restart` and what output it gives?