How to help in reviewing the "guides"


Thanks to the previous post, I just discovered the pages with the guides

Knowing myself, once I start reading, I will end up with a bunch of small comments all over the place (I tend to be fairly pedantic ...). I will probably discuss language issues, parts where the explanation could be more clear (for a newcomer) and probably test the examples.

What is the efficient way to contribute these comments (which I expect to be a large amount of small edits) ? I would have no problem editing the source document and providing a diff if that is useful.

Please advise me how I could be most efficient here.




Thanks to the previous post, I just discovered the pages with the

Knowing myself, once I start reading, I will end up with a bunch of
small comments all over the place (I tend to be fairly pedantic ...). I
will probably discuss language issues, parts where the explanation could be more
clear (for a newcomer) and probably test the examples.

What is the efficient way to contribute these comments (which I expect to be a large amount of small edits) ? I would have no problem editing the source document and providing a diff if that is useful.

If you pop into the #docrails channel I'm sure you can get commit
access to docrails (which is where the doc stuff happens) or get them
to apply your patches. For guides still in progress there are also
lighthouse tickets.


Using your #docrails hint as input to Google, I found this page that seems to be a good and recent entry point for this matter. I will surely find my way from there.

  Ruby on Rails — Rails Documentation Projects

Thanks again,
