Hello! I'm everywhere searching the answer for my question. How to get parameters to controller from view using <input tag. But I want to do this without db. I have the code:
class TranslateController < ApplicationController def start @time = Time.now end
def result @rez = params[:name] end end
<html> <head> <title> Translate numbers from 10 to 16 system </title> </head> <h1> Type your number and press link </h1> <p> Time is <%= @time %> </p> <form action="result" name="post" method="post"/> <input type="image" src="c:\Users\Vero\My Documents\Aptana Studio Workspace\Lab_8\public\images\rails.png" align="top"> <input type="text" align="left" value="0x"> </form> <p> <%= link_to "Result", :action => "result" %> </p> </html>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title> Translate numbers from 10 to 16 system </title> </head> <body> <h1> It's result of your translation </h1> <h2> <%= @rez %></h2> <p> Back to <%= link_to "1 st page", :action => "start"%> </p> </body> </html>
I'm new in Ruby. ( please, help with all it