How to get observe_field to work with :on => keyup?

Hi All,

I've be looking all over for a definitive answer to this question but it's eluding me.

There are many, *many* examples of the use of observe_field that include :on => 'keyup' -- supposedly allowing one to bind an onkeyup event to a form element, etc. I have tried every-which-way to get this to work and it does not. When I bore into the code of prototype.js, I can see why: the binding has the 'change' event hard-coded into it --

Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this));

. . . and when I edit it to 'keyup', it does, in fact, catch the onkeyup event.

This being the case, how in the world do people get this to work with something _other_ than a change event -- barring a re-write of the prototype code?

For reference, I'm using RadRails on Mac OS X 10.6 with rails 2.3.4 and prototype.js

Thanks in advance,
